Why I Don’t Pay for Spotify

The average American Family spends $237 a month on subscriptions. Here are my strategies for avoiding these income sucking recurring expenses: Music Streaming Via PC: Youtube works great for this if you want specific songs. If you are looking for a good playlist mix, then Pandora is worth a try. Many of the bands that… Continue reading Why I Don’t Pay for Spotify

Categorized as Money, Thrift

College on the Cheap: How to go to school for $1000 a semester

Listen, if you want to slip the colleges an extra $10,000 a year for your college experience, I’m fine with that. I’ve come to peace with the fact that not everyone can do what I did. But a quality education is still available to people at an affordable price if they know where to look.… Continue reading College on the Cheap: How to go to school for $1000 a semester